How it all works

The Important element of air conditioners are the refrigerants, most often a fluorocarbon that flows constantly through the conditioners mechanisms. Becoming a liquid form and giving off heat when it is compressed, and becoming a gas and absorbing heat when that pressure is taken away. The mechanisms that evaporate and compress the refrigerant are divided into two areas, an indoor air filter fan and a cooling coil. And outdoor comprising of a compressor, condenser coil and the fan.In the air cooling cycle, hot humid air is drawn from the room through the filter and over the cooling coil. This coil contains a refrigerant fluid with an extremely low boiling point, i.e. it will have boiled and evaporated at room temperature. The hot air gives up its heat to the refrigerant and in the process, causes the refrigerant to vaporize. Cooled dehumidified air is blown back into the room. The vaporized refrigerant will then be extracted to the compressor, which pumps it under pressure to the condenser coils.

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  1. 1designate Says:


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